When Simon is at his speichal place and the flys are not going for him is becuase the pig head is
there aka "The Lord of the Flys" and the guts r on the floor and the flys would profer to have the
guts insted of Simon. After simon has a long desusion with the lord of the flys the fly lord trys to
save him but simon does not lison and goes off trying to tell them what was on the mounten top
and what was the real besty. When Simon got on top of the mounten and found the dead pilet he
untalngoles the shoot and went down to go tell the others. Piggy sied that they should go to the
feast becuase Piggy was hurny and tired and Ralph could not say no becuase he was also hunger
to. When Ralph and Piggy got there it got really quit and then roger went by with a hot peace of
meet and burnet Piggy in the arm and Piggy started to dance with pain and the boys started to
laugh. Jack sied on his side of the island the conch does not apply there so you can speeck freely.
At the end of the party it started to ran and the wind cought up and it started having thunder
and lighting. For some reson Josh like to say this "Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her
BLOOD!...?" (i hate that -.-'). Simon comes out of the forets on all fours and they attack him and
kill him.
I would say it some What all, but Three mager ones. Jack, Robert, and Roger. Jack since the
beging he wonted to kill and he knows now how to kill an animal. Robert he wonts revenge from
them all jumping him near the beging so he had a part in that. And lastly Roger he had to do
mager damge i have a feeling that he wonted to kill so badly that he jumped on simon and cut
him and just did all the finishing blows to simon. The main thing is that all of them killed Simon
just those Three did most of the finishing blows to Simons life.
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