I wish they would not lie about my death. I wish that would become really men and say what
really needs to be sied. Piggy did not have a part in my death but he is not saying all of the truth
he saw me. he saw what i was, and he heard what i was saying. But he still seid nothing he might
of tried to quick the crackers, but he is piggy he can do nothing about this kid of probles with his
asma and all. ralph he is taking my death hard he also heard me and seen that that was me, but
his batty side came out and he killed me like i was nothing and he wont even say that he had a
part in my death he is and a=sad little batty now and i wish i could help them, but im no longer
with them for im out to sea and they keep making reasons that this "beasty" was me and im
somewhere on the island and not drifting out in the sea.
Now Jack and his boys all say that i was the "beasty". that i was not there and that the beasty
was not killed and it took my cloeths and pretended to be me, i wish i could only tell them what is
the true "beasty" and That im dead that they killed me aand riped me apart. i trusted them and
they betrade that trust. if only they would lison, if i would of figerd this out sooner, if only could
of heard the lord of the flys comands if only, if only... if only if olny.
Why does jack have to be cruel ha could of ask them for the fire or for the glasses. Why are they
mean if only they could abtain some comen sensce they would have to be so foolish i wish they
could be more sivilies on this island, but no they are all becoming battys.
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