dah Noah's Peaps

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 6: Beast from the air, The Fear with in us.

A sign from the grown up world was the dead plilet that had is shoot pulling him back and forth.

We did not notice it because it was so dark and we were asleep. The dead pilet scard sam'n eric

becuase they think that it was the beasty and it came from the sky. They seid it look like a hug

ugly beast with sharp teeth fery and horidable eyes. All of the boys were scard to go looking for

the beasty half of them wonted to go back to the beach and half wonted to see the beasty. But

there is no beasty it is a dead dude and it is their emagionation getting to them they r going a l

ittle crazy out there. I dont wont to go out there and look for it if is real then i might be able to

see it becuase Jack pooshed me and broke one side of my glasses so i wont be able to see it if it

will come for me. Im very dun right now it might come for me and i cant portect my self it will

kill me. i wish i could be bravado like Jack is i would be brave and sagely insted

of being so windy all the time if Jack goes away i would be brave and asome.

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